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Saturday, March 11, 2006

Week37-Full term

So we are in week 37 now , yesterday was not exactly my best day but I did come out of the situation on top. Some days you are so weak that all you can do is literally stay I bed, because you have no energy, you have all the mental energy enough to move objects and bend spoons but not enough to do anything but rest. Some days that drives me mad. Being an Aries mama that’s a toughie…. resting. Slowing down. (Yuck ) anyways week 37 is considered a full term baby now :)

But I have found myself little bean trying to connect with you more and more

The last few days it seemed you were resting too but your back to your normal active lifestyle in there. Although you cant do much because I know your really cramped!

So I have the birth plans all set, written out and posted up in my birthing room in my house. What to do if… on and on. So this weekend is set up weekend. We have almost all of our supplies for the birth and now all we have to do is WAIT!

Waiting… ahhh.. Another weakness of mine, I m not very good at waiting. But I m leaning fast!

I had some weird dreams last night

1st dream:

I was in our kitchen ( it was ours but not you know the game in dreams)

And I was hanging out with Bono from U2 and we were listening to the radio and this Elton John cover song came on and he seemed to really enjoy it(Bono) and so we are just hanging out talking about our baby. Then our baby kicks so hard that its foot almost comes out of my skin, it stretches so far its gonna pop my skin! We had to push it back in!

2nd dream

I was driving somewhere I ended up laying down on this bed I had our baby! It wasn’t a normal birth I just pulled it out of me. The baby was flat like a pancake and frozen. I had to pump air into it and defrost it! ( this is creepy) our baby was totally frozen and I kept it in my purse until it defrosted and then I went to nurse it I looked and it didn’t really look like a baby, a shapesifter! Yikes!

3rd dream

My family was at my grandfather house in new haven and we were out in the lawn where I used to pick lawn violets when I was a little girl. My dad,john,mom everyone was there. All of a sudden here comes like this giant plane a fighterpalne or something and its bombing us and we had to hide underneath this big giant black thing and as all the debris is flying by a lot of my child hood goes past my eyes and scrappy was in my arms too! ( my 1st pet ever)

I had this dream twice in the same day just slightly different

Friday, March 10, 2006

Are We There Yet?

Are we there yet? I ask myself so hastily. The end of pregnancy is like a road trip across country and you are almost to your destination about 100 miles left and you start to feel unbearably uncomfortable and fidgety like you want to get out of the vehicle now!
I hate to bitch about it but im gonna, im so uncomfortable I can barley stand it , I f I was a selfish person I would induce my own labor myself ( I know how) but that’s not really fair I guess. I just want to start my life a new get this extra weight off and be able to bend over again. I feel really confined because I cant leave the house because Im fairly weak and tired once I do go out I have to go right back home or I have to call to get picked up because I cant drive because im to uncomfortable or dizzy or just neurotic. I cant even paint!because i cant bend over to paint :( god thats sad.
I just wish I could have our baby very soon if not now! I cant go another three more weeks I think I will go crazy.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Week-36 Got My Ring Cut OFF!

Today has been to say the least interesting…

My fingers began to swell last night and my ring finger was feeling bad as my ring was getting tighter, by morning I awoke to find that my ring would not come of after using every trick, Egyptian magic, grapeseed oil, Vaseline intensive care, a ribbon underneath to help feed the skin through Windex, god what didn’t we try? Lol.

So after my normal coursing on a Wednesday I decide to come home to rest although my finger by now is raw and close to bleeding. I cant sleep because the ring is so thigh my finger is getting circulation but its close to cutting the circulation off.

Now we all know I m afraid of hospitals (birth trauma) and I deiced I had to go! Yikes!

So I got my ring cut off my finger, I will get it fixed soon after the baby is born, because I cant wear it now, or any rings for that matter.

As we are waiting to get the ring cut off some stupid doctor comes by and jonny asks him if we could listen to the babys heart beat with his stethoscope and he claims we would not hear it, although that stupid crappy fetal heartbeat listener thingy worked one time a long item ago and he says well you wont be able to hear it. What a lie. Anyways and continues to ask probing questions. Who’s your ob doctor?

I say I have choose alternative medicine, well who’s your doctor he asks? Its like why what business is it of your to ask? Are you on prenatal? Like I m some kind of ignorant person. I told him I have a midwife (me so to say because I have been doing my own care).Anyways what an asshole.

Week 36 is nearing in on its last few days and soon our baby, little bean will be considered full term at 37 weeks. Anytime now.I have been trying to get everything together, tomorrow we are getting the rest of our birth supplies and its just time to rest and wait.Wait for you little one to make your gand entrance.

There are so many things that are going to change and I realize this and I welcome this transition this major change within and without myself.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Week 36- The Safe Zone

Week 36 The safe zone

So this is officially weeks 36 which happens to be the “safe zone” meaning if we have our baby anytime between NOW and four more weeks at home with no hospital.

Im so glad we made it!

Yesterday little bean was you last but not least baby shower that your grandma Tena threw for you and Cheryl.

We got almost everything that we need now, I have to go pick a few more things up, I might do it today, I have been nesting and trying to get every little thing together.

Traveling when your this pregnant is not advisable due to the fact that your so uncomfy and all you can do is complain every five minutes how uncomfy you are.

Your wonderful daddy set up your stroller, baby bath time tub your walker activity set and you got a new highchair too! So you have everything except a bouncer and a baby swing chair and a bedside sleeper which we are buying this week! That’s a lot of stuff!

Your daddy is so excited about your arrival it makes me happy to see that, I m of course just as excited. Wondering what natural birth will be like.