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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Week 5

Im so excited we are in week 5!
How wonderful!

I feel really pregnant and its noticeable to me. Im growing tired more tired everyday.
One of the main things i have realized while pregnant in the first trimester is that i get very very tired.

Sleepy dream head full of hopes dreams and visions of the bright and adventurous joyful future ahead of us.
With moving and selling things on craigslist getting ready for the big move, im so tired!

Avoid Hot Baths, Mineral Spas, Saunas and Spas

In the early months of pregnancy, the foetus is very sensitive to its mother’s core body temperature. Any environment which causes this to raise and stay high can potentially cause problems with foetal development. A normal temperature range for humans is around 36.1-37.3 degrees Celsius. Mothers in the early stages of pregnancy are advised to reduce their chances of contracting a fever inducing illness. They are also advised to avoid remaining in an environment which elevates their temperature to above 39 degrees Celsius.

BABYBaby’s heart has officially begun to beat! An ultrasound may be able to detect the movement of the heartbeat, but hearing the beat is still a few weeks away. An ultrasound would also be able to differentiate the head and tail of the baby, although he or she only measures 1.5 – 2.5mm by now. But its first functioning organ system is in place; the heart and blood vessels complete a circuit and form the circulatory system.

The changes to your growing embryo are not quite as drastic this week as they've been in the last few weeks. Growth is now largely focused on their little head, which is starting to develop much more rapidly than the rest of their tiny body. This is because their amazing brain is undergoing some very crucial and rapid development in order to effectively regulate their heart rate, blood circulation, and other vital functions. As for the rest of their miniature body, what were simple limb buds last week are limb flippers this week and the tail is more expressed. Amazingly, within a mere five weeks your little miracle is already developing the rudimentary forms of their liver, pancreas, lungs, stomach and nasal pits while their little heart is already increasing its circulation. Your baby is now a whopping 4-6mm in length.


Sunday, July 11, 2010


today i have realized after reading much info online, message boards and medial journals that  the best thing i can do is RELAX.
Relax and not worry about this pregnancy.
I need to enjoy every step of the way and not live in fear, to live in the moment with this pregnancy ,pray for our health and the progression of this beautiful baby and do everything i can to help this baby grow .

the last time was a different set of circumstances and things are now different.
I was so full of pain and sorrow,i never want to experience that again.

i envision myself growing a large round ripe pregnant full with life belly.
Having a healthy beautiful live baby.

i trust all will be well and that things are as they are mean to be.

slight cramping and sore breasts are normal.

i just need to kick my feet up rest and focus on my energies and love.

little one - i hope you know we love you. want you more than anything in this world. you are welcome. you are loved. you are wanted. everything is going to be okay.
may you grow healthy ,strong, beautiful and come to us full term and healthy.
with all our love mum and dad