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Saturday, March 18, 2006

Week 38!

Week 38!

Only two weeks to go till our due date, my cusion had her bay last night we were due around the same time give or take 2 days. So that makes me wonder…hummm.. when are you going to appear little bean?

I have been feeling a lot more “pains” the past day or so, I thought maybe I would go into real labor last night but I didn’t. I have been feeling a lot more activity in the sense of pains and sensations as we call those around here, making every moment something of a mystery because we could have this baby at any moment. Wow!

Tonight I m going to my favorite restaurant in this crummy town the best Japanese restaurant in this area. I cant wait! Although I have been sluffin off my all fruit diet this past week I have been eating a lot of rice! I have been craving wild rice.

I only have a few more weeks or when ever the baby is born I can go to a all raw all healthy diet, as it is quite hard to do pregnant and it seems I don’t want to deplete the baby as I may do to myself form my normal diet patterns.

Im not to worried I guess I really didn’t gain that much weight I guess I didn’t realize how much weight you carry that is water when you are pregnant. A lot! I will soon be back to my normal size of Zero I m thinking in about 2 months tops.i have to give my uterus time to back to its normal shape and then I will be good to go!

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Last few moments

Sitting here with the realization that these are in fact the last few moments of being so very ripe with baby as our due date is only 2 weeks away.

This journey from the beginning has been nothing short from a miracle.

The creation of new life with in the life force field of another the ability to carry life within your own body.

There are so many things I wonder about … being a parent. An enlightened parent one that is conscious of every detail and its possible effect on such a young fragile psyche. This journey is also one of self healing. Yes the parent teaches but so does this beautiful new spiritual creature full of light and love and yes, wisdom.
From the moment I found out I was with child I have been trying my very best to patch up my loose fragmented pieces of self, tie off loose ends of my belief systems and getting myself prepared and becoming a whole individual for myself yes , and yes for my family. In order to have a whole family it is crucial to have your self whole, in your entirety. With out a whole self there is nothing else, nothing that can or will satisfy nothing will suffice. This journey has been beautiful and I have enjoyed it but this to is coming to and end but also with this end we will be beginning our life long relationship to each other and will exist as two beings. You have been within my body for 9 months little bean, depending on me to make the right decisions for both of us, never again will you be connected within my body as you are now and I cherish every moment. Your life will be beautiful and full of love you are forever free to choose the path that is right for your spirit to grow and learn and above all remain free.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Dear Little Bean-Week 37

Dear little bean,

Week 37

I feel that you are close to being on your way out of your warm cozy womb environment.

It could just be wishful thinking but maybe you will be coming out soon! So as of now you did finally get everything you needed! Except a bedside sleeper which we don’t need for like a month or so until you grow out of your bassinette, you have a groovy crib but its not upstairs and we need to have one that is close to us!

So the time is coming and I feel it ever so slowing the reality of being a parent sinks in my very pregnant skin.

I feel so much more alive there is so much to look forward too. Though it has been a bit rough and bumpy along this road pregnancy is not always easy nor delightful on the level of comfort. Although defiantly worth it totally just still uncomfortable.

There are so many delightful things that we all are going to do together I just cant wait!

You have a busy first year planned out too, you are going to go to Minnesota, Michigan lake and south Carolina for your trips this year among other things that are o so much fun. A traveling little baby you will be. We love you very much and cant wait to meet you and hold you in our arms!