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Saturday, November 27, 2010

25 Weeks

Our Little Ballet dancer or kick boxer is now very very active at certain times of day.
I find it really amazing and wonderful.
Still contemplating Names and trying to find the perfect name.
We will be moving back to the mainland next week and we have a long journey ahead of us but this will be best for all of us and baby. We will have our OWN HOME :)

Im really plump as of now but my legs are still fairly thin and my butt isnt a hamhock so i think im doing just fine on the weight.

We love our little bouncing baby : )

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Week 18 day 4

We went to the ER on Sunday, i just couldnt take it anymore.
I had to see our baby.
I wasnt sleeping at night and was full of anxiety. 
They said they think its a girl and she was sucking her thumb!
Im further along than I thought!
Underneath it all i really felt i was a week ahead, and i was!
We have not told facebook except a few select people so i really want to tell everyone but i feel its best to not say anything till the baby is born!

Pregnancy Tickers

Friday, October 01, 2010

Week 16

Week 16

The terriable morning sickness has tapered off and now i get car sick alot.Flying in a place may not be easy for me to get back home.Im extremely hungry and i get sick if i dont eat and sick if i wait to long to eat and sick if i eat to much!
pregnancy 2nd tri blinkie Pictures, Images and Photos
I dotn usually take naps in the afternoon anymore, but i do go to bead early around 8 or 9 ish.
Today i need a nap.
Ive been craving upside down pineapple cake and fish sandwiches  :   /
Baby likes to bump up in the morning on  the right side  and sometimes quickly to the left.
i feel you in there, actually i felt you move for the 1st time this week.
Im so excited!
I just want you to know baby that your safe and all is well and everything is going to be okay and that everyone is excited about your arrival and we all pray for your development to be a full term healthy baby.
this is our prayer for you.
we love you little bity baby : )
Organic Pictures, Images and Photos

Friday, September 24, 2010

Week 15

We are almost nearing in on week 16 and im so excited to find out if its a boy or a girl.
meanwhile bit has new new nasty habits like taking is pee pee out before he gets to the bathroom,shows people his butt and calls farting fouting.
Fouting is a cute word

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

12 Weeks WooT WooT

Its officially 12 weeks now and im sooo happy!
Maybe now this morning sickness will pass and i will start feeling a bit more better.
All i have been doing is sleeping,moping around,trying to eat hoping not to puke and did i say moping around?
I want  huge pot of lasagna with ricotta cheese and extra sauce no bail or spices :  / but im fine with that its just really hard to find any sauce with no spices in it!

I almost brewed a pot of black tea the other day, thinking if i only let it steeped for a minute then it would be okay but i have not yet done this. Once i do i will want it everyday, not just one day.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

more name ideas

Girls names
Aurora- goddess of the dawn
Beatrice-voyager through life

Week 11

Week 11 we are almost to week 12.
The morning sickness throwing up and being so tired i eat then go back to bed im ready for a energy spurt of the second tri that is coming  up soon.
thinking of baby names is something i find that makes me happy and passes the time too.

Boys Names




so the list is not that long so far but we have time to add to it ;)

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Week 9 In Hawaii

We have finally made it, packing storing traveling across the USA flying from LA to Hawaii all the turmoil and stress of that part of the journey has passed. Now we are 9 weeks which im really excited about.
Im not happy nor excited that all the furniture we have is a kin sized bed and a small end table and floor cushions. Need a little help hauling stuff and gathering household items.
Im upset because no one seems interested in helping although we were told no worries now its time to get moving stuff hitting sales and no one is doing anything. I do expect people to help and get us settled, we came all this way and i expect it.
I feel pregnant and i need comfort and i want it now.
 i dont want to wait i want a house of furnishings and comfort then i would feel happy.
right now i feel sad and annoyed have not even seen beach yet, with no car cant really go anywhere have not even been to kirtan yet either. we are too out of the way, so whatever. when my car comes i will just go all over and do everything on my own.
i want furnishings and i want them now!