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Thursday, August 12, 2010

Week 9 In Hawaii

We have finally made it, packing storing traveling across the USA flying from LA to Hawaii all the turmoil and stress of that part of the journey has passed. Now we are 9 weeks which im really excited about.
Im not happy nor excited that all the furniture we have is a kin sized bed and a small end table and floor cushions. Need a little help hauling stuff and gathering household items.
Im upset because no one seems interested in helping although we were told no worries now its time to get moving stuff hitting sales and no one is doing anything. I do expect people to help and get us settled, we came all this way and i expect it.
I feel pregnant and i need comfort and i want it now.
 i dont want to wait i want a house of furnishings and comfort then i would feel happy.
right now i feel sad and annoyed have not even seen beach yet, with no car cant really go anywhere have not even been to kirtan yet either. we are too out of the way, so whatever. when my car comes i will just go all over and do everything on my own.
i want furnishings and i want them now!