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Monday, December 01, 2008

Bubba has Roseola

Our poor bub has roseola, i think.
babby matty had it a few days ago and now bit has a high fever and bumps that appear to be rosey.
thanksgiving was busy this year as usual as it always is when you have children. there is a list of many people xpecting to see you and all you woul dlike to do is have your own thanksgiving your way in your house so you can relax and sleep after you stuff your face instead of have to drive somehwere else!
Bity loved to see everyone grandmas and grandpas and cusions and freinds he loves it. sadly they like for him to be a bit more quiet than he is used too around his house. we dont restrict him , we allow him to be himself within reason of not hurting others or himself.
the noise we are used too.
he is growing up so much i realize that im getting ready for another life to embrace int our family.
bit keeps saying over and over "train set mamma" he wants a train set so bad he cant stand it!
he loves trains and cars tractors plows andything like that.
i cant wait to give him his gifts and watch his eyes glow and his heart be full of greatful thanks for christmas, which is only a month away.
i sure hope he is feeling better soon!
lots of slow days ahead of us i perdict.
warm baths, lots of water fruit and cold cloths and warm love from mother.
mothers nectur from the heart
kind patience is what really makes you feel better when your sick.