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Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Domesticated Goddess

Making dinner….playing in the dirt

Just winding down from the day

Here comes wandering in 4 little neighbor kids

That wanted to see our baby

And eventually made it to the couch and wanted to watch a movie

So we put in the incredibles..

Running through my mind was….wow.. I m really a mom now. DOMESCIATED goddess I have indeed become….

Soon enough our son will be having friends over and there will be all kinds of children running around in our house like today….

Asking a million inquisitive questions…

Whats this and what does it do?

Why do you have this?

Whats wrong with your dog?( I have been asking myself this for a long time)(really nothing hes just crazy)

I love the questions..young minds….

So it dawned on me that wow…..im really a parent…

I have a bunch of kids on my sofa we are all watching a movie and wow, im really content….

Sunday, May 28, 2006


Week 7

Today we went to the Park for the first time!

Although he was unable to really see much of anything. The air at the rose garden was perfumed with sweet smelling freshly bloomed roses. How sweet!

I do notice the interaction differences between me and daddy.

He usually likes being close to me and nozzling and being rocked and he responds to me more calmly.

He responds to daddy with much more excitement. With giggles ( he giggles for me too) and big smiles and lots of activity. He likes to sit up on his daddy’s knees and gaze into his eyes. He usually doesn’t let me do this. He likes to be close to the breast.

His hair is starting to come in this week.

He cried his first tear this week.

We had to go to the ER for a fever.

This week we have actually been sleeping more. We have a pattern developed. We are up till around 4 or 5 am and if hes tired and ready for bed he will give a certain cry for me to hear and then we will go to bed.

We sleep till around 12 noon get up stretch and play for a little while and go back to sleep for a nap usually a few hours. Sometimes we don’t get up till 5!