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Monday, August 20, 2007

16 months-lost blog again!

I want to bitch really quick how i lost the blog again and thats why i really haven't posted in a year!i fixed the problem so were back in business!

lets see here bit is 16 almost 17 months old....
yesterday he pooped in the bathtub for the first time! what a mark in time!
he really didn't know what to do and actually was quite alarmed when it happned. I explanied what happened and quickly rinsed him and the tub.

last week he got to play with another little baby just 6 months younger and we watched him again today. Last week is when hurrican Flossie was to hit hawaii and we went to the beach and the winds were very high and the sand flew across the beach pelting us with stinging sand so we didnt stay too long. there were no waves that day,very errie
that night there was a earthquake! a 5.4 and the house swayed side to side! it was quite scary our first earthquake!

lets see today we baby sat tuka again and had a great baby play time.
i enjoy seeing my young bit interact with another baby near his own age.
it seems he shares when he feels like it and is still warming up to the idea of sharing.
bit will help throw away dirt on the floor and anything you give to him to throw away in the garbage can. he may be closer to be ready for a brother or sister!

his teeth are coming in rapidly...as of now he has about 16 teeth...

daddy taught him 3 days ago how to crunch and chew his food like seeds...almonds and sunflower seeds...its fun to watch him learn new things.

he has a push toy that pops...a popper he loves to push it around the house its one of his new favorite things...

climbing is a new thing and is as dangerous as it is annoying