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Friday, March 24, 2006

my prayer...for you my little one

Tears stain my face

Caught in my own shadow

Little one I feel you move in my belly

I feel you

I feel you feel me

I hope I give you the safety you need to feel

Need to have…to survive

Praying for you

That you will be safe from all the paths I traveled upon that has lead me here

I know there is a easier way

Maybe not easy but it doesn’t have to painful or full of struggle

Little one I hope I have not scared you …imprinted you with my own faults

That I work so hard to rid myself from

These human coils

What d I do?

I have came so far… I pray you wont trace the routes I took to find grace

You have it now

You are perfect

You are divine

You are loved

You have to do nothing

You just are……

Little one I wish I was taught this

I wish I would have known … I have wasted so much time

Here I am waiting for you

I hope I make you feel loved.needed and wanted

Something I cant recall from my mother (bio)

I cant recall anything about her… not her eyes

Not her touch

Her scent

Her grace

Her voice

Nothing except that she was not capable of caring for me

I was sent to a family that could. very lucky yet crave …hunger.. to remember

To remember what I will consciously give you

All my love

My devotion

My faith in you in our family

A orphan has her own family now

It is my responsibly to make things right

Im sorry if I haven’t been the best mommy

I feel like I haven’t because of my pregnant emotional instability

I don’t mean to imprint you with anything harmful

You must understand

I do try….

I hope we always get along. always find our love in the midst of any disagreement

I love you.. you were made of love. you are love

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

week 38-waiting

Been having braxton hicks contraction but still no little bean yet.

Wondering how you are doing in there. Cozy And warm maybe a little too cramped to move a lot.

Little bean our beautiful baby your heart beats to that of the beat of all creation. The sounds of love…

Love vibrations.

We have been painting the kitchen, kinda in preparation of you little bean. Its one of the last rooms to be painted and it was only half painted and now we are finishing. It should be done by the time of your emergence. it’s a Tuscan theme, so bright warm and colorful,beautiful!

So well I thought I may have had you by now…just waiting..the hardest part.