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Friday, September 14, 2007

finding a balance

as a new mother with my first child im learning how to find a balance.
a balance on all levels.
the difference between having just yourself and having a being that came out of your very body that is dependent on you for nourishment and love and everything you can possibly think of can throw you out of balance.when your used to just yourself is a big difference.
learning how to be selfless and still be able to take care of yourself and your new family

what is needed now is a balance between work and being a mother.the idea of being a stay at home mum is wonderful but the current set up or our society and government has made is nearly impossible to do with out being under the poverty line. but it is possible. i just work on weekends and spend the rest of the week teaching and showing our pod what goes on

the balance is in work and being at home that is needed.
with out feeling gulity for working and going away

sleepy time

when ever it comes down to the end of the day after bath time and a movie and a short play time before bed time it seems kids still have energy and still want to go go go !
well im into staying up late and even still he wants to stay up later! so it comes to a point where we just have to say " its bed time tomorrow is waiting for us and its full of play" and we just have to let them be upset and cry even to know time for bed is time for bed!

pod never sleeps with covers on for some reason im not sure why but he tends to wake up if you cover him up. very weird....but ok what ever works!

visiting grandma

we are back visiting grandma and are staying with them for the time being...

we had a long long flight here and are just now getting adjusted its been 2 weeks now.
pod is finally getting warmed up to the big clunky black lab gabe that is so much bigger than pod no wonder he is reluctant to be around him!
well now he will play games with him such as...giving smabe dishtowel's and his plastic toys and stuffed animals because he knows hes not supposed too! he thinks it so funny!

i bought him one of those kitchen sets with plastic pretend food he really enjoys it i have him"cook" while im preparing meals it works rather well.

we now have lesson plans with a weekly letter and animal
he can now say:
smay ? i dont know what that means
dag or dog

he loves to go outside and play with sidewalk chalk and drawl pretty stuff about
he takes lawn ornaments and carries them around epically if they are animals like a frog or a bunny

Thomas the tank engine is also a new love for him
when ever he sees it he gets EXCITED!

we still watch kipper the dog but he rather play and just listen to it

we play cars and trucks with ramps and fun races

tea time with a children's size plastic tea set with water or pretend tea


being a active present mother is first and foremost in my life and should be in any mothers heart. the rasing of our little peices of self.i strive and give the best of myself and yes even the worst of self but self none the less.
be present with your children
give love and affection
and just let them be themselves
this is the best gift

Monday, August 20, 2007

16 months-lost blog again!

I want to bitch really quick how i lost the blog again and thats why i really haven't posted in a year!i fixed the problem so were back in business!

lets see here bit is 16 almost 17 months old....
yesterday he pooped in the bathtub for the first time! what a mark in time!
he really didn't know what to do and actually was quite alarmed when it happned. I explanied what happened and quickly rinsed him and the tub.

last week he got to play with another little baby just 6 months younger and we watched him again today. Last week is when hurrican Flossie was to hit hawaii and we went to the beach and the winds were very high and the sand flew across the beach pelting us with stinging sand so we didnt stay too long. there were no waves that day,very errie
that night there was a earthquake! a 5.4 and the house swayed side to side! it was quite scary our first earthquake!

lets see today we baby sat tuka again and had a great baby play time.
i enjoy seeing my young bit interact with another baby near his own age.
it seems he shares when he feels like it and is still warming up to the idea of sharing.
bit will help throw away dirt on the floor and anything you give to him to throw away in the garbage can. he may be closer to be ready for a brother or sister!

his teeth are coming in rapidly...as of now he has about 16 teeth...

daddy taught him 3 days ago how to crunch and chew his food like seeds...almonds and sunflower seeds...its fun to watch him learn new things.

he has a push toy that pops...a popper he loves to push it around the house its one of his new favorite things...

climbing is a new thing and is as dangerous as it is annoying

Sunday, July 22, 2007

July/22-2007 Back I lost the blog!

Well its been about a year since i even posted a blog on here thats because i was having problems finding this blog. i lost it. i lost my user name and password
but now im back! yea!

Well i have failed to log alot of things that have happened but here we are so lets start all over!

The Podster is now 15 months almost 16 months so a year and 3 months.
we are living in hawaii right now and pod has a mouth full of teeth
he is getting so big!!!!
up and going here in the morning early, around 7am even earlier sometimes
we go to bed around 9 or10 which is 3 or 4 am indiana time

little has been eating lees sice im home and nursing more. which is a good thing. he seems to be getting so big!
hes not doing too bad about biting either