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Saturday, May 06, 2006

Children...angels to this wolrd

Children …their hearts and eyes wide open

Open to the world to the universe

Trust is a part of our natural makeup…why is it we break ourselves down after time

Children help us get so much of ourselves back…all of ourselves back

Showing us the way while we show them the way as well….

Teaching that life is beautiful…showing us what is important and what is just a illusion a waste of our sweet precious time

Theres so much…

For us to reach out touch with our talents our unexplored potential

Our inner flam illuminating even brighter

Going even higher showing the rest of existence that this…what we hold in our hands our own fate

Take it. Make it what you will but dont compare your own progress according to anothers….

For we all will find our own way…

There is trust within

A undying faith that all is perfect where it needs to be

That everything flows to its proper place

Following our bliss where ever that may take us

That this time here is so very precious not to be wasted with such things as envy hate anger disappointment fear and regret.

Week 3 and week 4

Well…during week 3 we were in the process of establishing a sleep pattern. Up still most of the night but slowly tapering off. He grunts a lot during his sleep and even has baby snores! How cute!

His growth spurt is about to take place he never seems to stop eating! Wow! Nursing is a 100% all the time full time job and at times it seems over whelming yet it is very pleasing and I do enjoy every second of our closeness.

Week 4- week four we have established a sleeping pattern. He no longer sleeps in his bassinette wont wont stay still in there. He loves to be close. So we co sleep. I know I have heard of the dangers but I m a light sleeper so everything is beautiful…

We sleep together…he has explored his first outside outings…he closes his little eyes because the sun is so bright for his little new eyes.He LOVES his swing chair…it seems to be one of his favorite things.

He gained a pound from his last doctors check up… getting big!