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Sunday, July 11, 2010


today i have realized after reading much info online, message boards and medial journals that  the best thing i can do is RELAX.
Relax and not worry about this pregnancy.
I need to enjoy every step of the way and not live in fear, to live in the moment with this pregnancy ,pray for our health and the progression of this beautiful baby and do everything i can to help this baby grow .

the last time was a different set of circumstances and things are now different.
I was so full of pain and sorrow,i never want to experience that again.

i envision myself growing a large round ripe pregnant full with life belly.
Having a healthy beautiful live baby.

i trust all will be well and that things are as they are mean to be.

slight cramping and sore breasts are normal.

i just need to kick my feet up rest and focus on my energies and love.

little one - i hope you know we love you. want you more than anything in this world. you are welcome. you are loved. you are wanted. everything is going to be okay.
may you grow healthy ,strong, beautiful and come to us full term and healthy.
with all our love mum and dad