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Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Blury Itchy Eyes

Before we actually ofically knew we would be expecting our 2ns child and 4th pregnancy i went camping off grid for 6  days. it really took a giant toll on my body with hiking 2-5 miles a day very little food and very limited water intake. The days were 90+ and the nights were 40 degrees. I stared to get a sinus issue with runny nose and yellow snot.
I told my husband  that i may need to go see a doctor because my eyes were really giving me troubles. Having troubles seeing, with blurriness itchiness and redness.
I forgot when i was pregnant with Azlyn my eyes were like this all the time!
Its a part of being pregnant and its a interesting symptom.

No, your eyes aren't playing tricks on you. Those hormone changes can make your eyes itchy, red, and sensitive to light. And, that swelling in your boobs and ankles? It can extend to your eyes -- particularly troublesome if you wear contacts. The swelling of the cornea paired with a decrease in tear production makes eyes dry and uncomfortable, and can weaken vision. Try to limit the time you spend in contacts, and never wear them at night. 
If you notice problems like blurred or distorted vision, contact your doctor right away -- it might be a sign of more serious conditions like high blood pressure or diabetes. Also check with your doctor before you use any eye medication, because certain drops can be harmful to baby. You’re not just eating for two, you’re seeing for two!  The good news is, once baby comes, your eyes should correct themselves.