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Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Sick with Allergies/Cold 4 Weeks

Im sick day 3 with a low grade fever running at max 99.9 and normally running at 99.0.
Allergies it feels like with a stuff nose, yellow snot and a fever.
Extremely tired plus pregnancy symptoms.
Im super excited to be pregnant and to share my body.
This is going to be a beautiful adventure.
I pray little one, you grow big,strong, healthy and loving. Come to us full term and healthy.We cant wait but will wait 9 months until your fully developed and ready to come into this world.

                                                                                     4 Weeks
This is truly amazing and beautiful that life starts our this tiny cute and beautiful. How amazing!

week 4

Embryo Babbie's Comparative Chart of different species, including humans

A photo comparing between a 5 week old embryo and another which is 8 weeks. Notice how the features, volume and shape have changed and how the humane form of the fetus became clear. Scientists say that as of the end of the sixth week, which is when the embryo is 42 days old; it starts to differentiate between the different voices and reacts to them. Scientists confirm that the age 42 days and what follows is a definitive border between the stage where the fetus is un-characteristic and that stage where that fetus takes its human form. That's why we find it mentioned on one of the sites that takes interest in the development of the fetus saying: - quoted word for word-
During the sixth week after fertilization the unborn child can respond to local tactile stimulation by reflex movements. At the end of the sixth week, the unborn child is clearly recognizable as a human being by gross morphological observation."
During the sixth week after fertilization the embryo starts responding to the outer effects by means of the reflexive movements. By the end of the sixth week we can easily, through observation, mark the embryo in the form of a human being. On another website we read their statement:
"The brainwaves have been noted at 43 days. Dr. Stiff has noted that electroencephalographic waves have been obtained in forty-three to forty-five day old fetuses, and so conscious experience is possible after this date".
 Meaning, that the encephalic waves start when the fetus is 43 days old. Dr. Stiff noticed that the waves emitted from the brain can be measured at the age from 43-45 days, and in the same way the voluntary expressions can be observed after that age.