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Saturday, November 27, 2010

25 Weeks

Our Little Ballet dancer or kick boxer is now very very active at certain times of day.
I find it really amazing and wonderful.
Still contemplating Names and trying to find the perfect name.
We will be moving back to the mainland next week and we have a long journey ahead of us but this will be best for all of us and baby. We will have our OWN HOME :)

Im really plump as of now but my legs are still fairly thin and my butt isnt a hamhock so i think im doing just fine on the weight.

We love our little bouncing baby : )

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Week 18 day 4

We went to the ER on Sunday, i just couldnt take it anymore.
I had to see our baby.
I wasnt sleeping at night and was full of anxiety. 
They said they think its a girl and she was sucking her thumb!
Im further along than I thought!
Underneath it all i really felt i was a week ahead, and i was!
We have not told facebook except a few select people so i really want to tell everyone but i feel its best to not say anything till the baby is born!

Pregnancy Tickers

Friday, October 01, 2010

Week 16

Week 16

The terriable morning sickness has tapered off and now i get car sick alot.Flying in a place may not be easy for me to get back home.Im extremely hungry and i get sick if i dont eat and sick if i wait to long to eat and sick if i eat to much!
pregnancy 2nd tri blinkie Pictures, Images and Photos
I dotn usually take naps in the afternoon anymore, but i do go to bead early around 8 or 9 ish.
Today i need a nap.
Ive been craving upside down pineapple cake and fish sandwiches  :   /
Baby likes to bump up in the morning on  the right side  and sometimes quickly to the left.
i feel you in there, actually i felt you move for the 1st time this week.
Im so excited!
I just want you to know baby that your safe and all is well and everything is going to be okay and that everyone is excited about your arrival and we all pray for your development to be a full term healthy baby.
this is our prayer for you.
we love you little bity baby : )
Organic Pictures, Images and Photos

Friday, September 24, 2010

Week 15

We are almost nearing in on week 16 and im so excited to find out if its a boy or a girl.
meanwhile bit has new new nasty habits like taking is pee pee out before he gets to the bathroom,shows people his butt and calls farting fouting.
Fouting is a cute word

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

12 Weeks WooT WooT

Its officially 12 weeks now and im sooo happy!
Maybe now this morning sickness will pass and i will start feeling a bit more better.
All i have been doing is sleeping,moping around,trying to eat hoping not to puke and did i say moping around?
I want  huge pot of lasagna with ricotta cheese and extra sauce no bail or spices :  / but im fine with that its just really hard to find any sauce with no spices in it!

I almost brewed a pot of black tea the other day, thinking if i only let it steeped for a minute then it would be okay but i have not yet done this. Once i do i will want it everyday, not just one day.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

more name ideas

Girls names
Aurora- goddess of the dawn
Beatrice-voyager through life

Week 11

Week 11 we are almost to week 12.
The morning sickness throwing up and being so tired i eat then go back to bed im ready for a energy spurt of the second tri that is coming  up soon.
thinking of baby names is something i find that makes me happy and passes the time too.

Boys Names




so the list is not that long so far but we have time to add to it ;)

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Week 9 In Hawaii

We have finally made it, packing storing traveling across the USA flying from LA to Hawaii all the turmoil and stress of that part of the journey has passed. Now we are 9 weeks which im really excited about.
Im not happy nor excited that all the furniture we have is a kin sized bed and a small end table and floor cushions. Need a little help hauling stuff and gathering household items.
Im upset because no one seems interested in helping although we were told no worries now its time to get moving stuff hitting sales and no one is doing anything. I do expect people to help and get us settled, we came all this way and i expect it.
I feel pregnant and i need comfort and i want it now.
 i dont want to wait i want a house of furnishings and comfort then i would feel happy.
right now i feel sad and annoyed have not even seen beach yet, with no car cant really go anywhere have not even been to kirtan yet either. we are too out of the way, so whatever. when my car comes i will just go all over and do everything on my own.
i want furnishings and i want them now!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Week 6

We are in week 6 and im totally thrilled.
Im excited and very happy now i feel a bit more relief that we are past the really super early weeks.
I pray our beautiful babe keeps growing healthy strong lovely and healthy to be a full term baby.
i love being pregnant although my body is changing and my pants are getting tight my belly is puffed i think its wonderful and the journey is so beautiful.
i feel as though deep down that everything is going to be okay.
i have been waiting for you little one.
you are wanted
you are loved
you are love

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Week 5

Im so excited we are in week 5!
How wonderful!

I feel really pregnant and its noticeable to me. Im growing tired more tired everyday.
One of the main things i have realized while pregnant in the first trimester is that i get very very tired.

Sleepy dream head full of hopes dreams and visions of the bright and adventurous joyful future ahead of us.
With moving and selling things on craigslist getting ready for the big move, im so tired!

Avoid Hot Baths, Mineral Spas, Saunas and Spas

In the early months of pregnancy, the foetus is very sensitive to its mother’s core body temperature. Any environment which causes this to raise and stay high can potentially cause problems with foetal development. A normal temperature range for humans is around 36.1-37.3 degrees Celsius. Mothers in the early stages of pregnancy are advised to reduce their chances of contracting a fever inducing illness. They are also advised to avoid remaining in an environment which elevates their temperature to above 39 degrees Celsius.

BABYBaby’s heart has officially begun to beat! An ultrasound may be able to detect the movement of the heartbeat, but hearing the beat is still a few weeks away. An ultrasound would also be able to differentiate the head and tail of the baby, although he or she only measures 1.5 – 2.5mm by now. But its first functioning organ system is in place; the heart and blood vessels complete a circuit and form the circulatory system.

The changes to your growing embryo are not quite as drastic this week as they've been in the last few weeks. Growth is now largely focused on their little head, which is starting to develop much more rapidly than the rest of their tiny body. This is because their amazing brain is undergoing some very crucial and rapid development in order to effectively regulate their heart rate, blood circulation, and other vital functions. As for the rest of their miniature body, what were simple limb buds last week are limb flippers this week and the tail is more expressed. Amazingly, within a mere five weeks your little miracle is already developing the rudimentary forms of their liver, pancreas, lungs, stomach and nasal pits while their little heart is already increasing its circulation. Your baby is now a whopping 4-6mm in length.


Sunday, July 11, 2010


today i have realized after reading much info online, message boards and medial journals that  the best thing i can do is RELAX.
Relax and not worry about this pregnancy.
I need to enjoy every step of the way and not live in fear, to live in the moment with this pregnancy ,pray for our health and the progression of this beautiful baby and do everything i can to help this baby grow .

the last time was a different set of circumstances and things are now different.
I was so full of pain and sorrow,i never want to experience that again.

i envision myself growing a large round ripe pregnant full with life belly.
Having a healthy beautiful live baby.

i trust all will be well and that things are as they are mean to be.

slight cramping and sore breasts are normal.

i just need to kick my feet up rest and focus on my energies and love.

little one - i hope you know we love you. want you more than anything in this world. you are welcome. you are loved. you are wanted. everything is going to be okay.
may you grow healthy ,strong, beautiful and come to us full term and healthy.
with all our love mum and dad

Thursday, July 08, 2010

week 4 video


Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Laura Shanley... is a Crazy fat baby maker that spreads lies.....you have been warned....unassissted childbirth ....bornfree

Laurn Shanley your a liar

while pregnant with my first child i studies her site and the concept that pain is a belief and not really there.
I almost got her site shut down and could have sued her for the misinformation.
now there info board is very guided and watched and you have to sign up and be accepted why your wanting to sign up. The message board is happily not doing well. :)Mabye Laura could try natural plastic surgery and see how see likes it.

me and my husband had studied well the  months of child bearing and carrying and bought all the home birthing supplies needed and was going to do the home birth. i was in labor for 38 hours until i felt something was wrong, my water never broke and my son had meconium and if we were not at the hospital we could have both been in jeopardy and we could have lost our son. These flaky fat baby makers gave me no understanding or compassion just that i was weak and was scared.
Which was not the case 38 hours and natural birth is not weak.
Be on the look out for these groups like this.
Flaky,miss directed miss informed cookks.

wake up and rage!!!! This is an outrage!!!

Blury Itchy Eyes

Before we actually ofically knew we would be expecting our 2ns child and 4th pregnancy i went camping off grid for 6  days. it really took a giant toll on my body with hiking 2-5 miles a day very little food and very limited water intake. The days were 90+ and the nights were 40 degrees. I stared to get a sinus issue with runny nose and yellow snot.
I told my husband  that i may need to go see a doctor because my eyes were really giving me troubles. Having troubles seeing, with blurriness itchiness and redness.
I forgot when i was pregnant with Azlyn my eyes were like this all the time!
Its a part of being pregnant and its a interesting symptom.

No, your eyes aren't playing tricks on you. Those hormone changes can make your eyes itchy, red, and sensitive to light. And, that swelling in your boobs and ankles? It can extend to your eyes -- particularly troublesome if you wear contacts. The swelling of the cornea paired with a decrease in tear production makes eyes dry and uncomfortable, and can weaken vision. Try to limit the time you spend in contacts, and never wear them at night. 
If you notice problems like blurred or distorted vision, contact your doctor right away -- it might be a sign of more serious conditions like high blood pressure or diabetes. Also check with your doctor before you use any eye medication, because certain drops can be harmful to baby. You’re not just eating for two, you’re seeing for two!  The good news is, once baby comes, your eyes should correct themselves.

Coffee While Pregnant

I love my coffee. In the morning i cant wait to stumble to the kitchen fill the coffee pot up with Organic coffee and wait for the beautiful yummy smell of coffee to fill the house. The first sip is so very lovely all the way until i can feel the caffeine kick in and im ready for my day. Cooking everyone breakfast ,doing dishes,gardening and taking care of Bit.
We all know some where along the lines have heard from our doctors and many medical studies that our favorite morning potion brew is not good for our t little ones growing deep inside of us.
It not worth risking the defects or worse. So its best to cut down slowly once you find out your pregnant and then give it up completely. Start drinking decaf teas if your like me and still need to have something warm.

Caffeine is a diuretic, meaning it pulls fluids and calcium from both you and baby and will keep you running to the bathroom. (As if you aren't peeing enough already.) Also, caffeine has no nutritional value and can affect your mood, sleep schedule and iron absorption. And it’s not just the coffee -- remember, caffeine is also found in most teas, soft drinks and chocolates. Play it safe by totally eliminating caffeine, but If you simply can’t kick the habit, at least cut back. Some studies show that excessive caffeine consumption (more than300 mg or two or three 8-ounce cups a day) can increase chances of miscarriage or premature birth.
Though herbal teas usually don't have caffeine, run the ingredient list by your doctor first -- some may not be safe for baby. 

sources from this post from this link

Sick with Allergies/Cold 4 Weeks

Im sick day 3 with a low grade fever running at max 99.9 and normally running at 99.0.
Allergies it feels like with a stuff nose, yellow snot and a fever.
Extremely tired plus pregnancy symptoms.
Im super excited to be pregnant and to share my body.
This is going to be a beautiful adventure.
I pray little one, you grow big,strong, healthy and loving. Come to us full term and healthy.We cant wait but will wait 9 months until your fully developed and ready to come into this world.

                                                                                     4 Weeks
This is truly amazing and beautiful that life starts our this tiny cute and beautiful. How amazing!

week 4

Embryo Babbie's Comparative Chart of different species, including humans

A photo comparing between a 5 week old embryo and another which is 8 weeks. Notice how the features, volume and shape have changed and how the humane form of the fetus became clear. Scientists say that as of the end of the sixth week, which is when the embryo is 42 days old; it starts to differentiate between the different voices and reacts to them. Scientists confirm that the age 42 days and what follows is a definitive border between the stage where the fetus is un-characteristic and that stage where that fetus takes its human form. That's why we find it mentioned on one of the sites that takes interest in the development of the fetus saying: - quoted word for word-
During the sixth week after fertilization the unborn child can respond to local tactile stimulation by reflex movements. At the end of the sixth week, the unborn child is clearly recognizable as a human being by gross morphological observation."
During the sixth week after fertilization the embryo starts responding to the outer effects by means of the reflexive movements. By the end of the sixth week we can easily, through observation, mark the embryo in the form of a human being. On another website we read their statement:
"The brainwaves have been noted at 43 days. Dr. Stiff has noted that electroencephalographic waves have been obtained in forty-three to forty-five day old fetuses, and so conscious experience is possible after this date".
 Meaning, that the encephalic waves start when the fetus is 43 days old. Dr. Stiff noticed that the waves emitted from the brain can be measured at the age from 43-45 days, and in the same way the voluntary expressions can be observed after that age.

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

i surrender

i surrender
im not stressed
i pray this baby grows to be full terms healthy and happy beautiful child
i want this child more than anything else

im not stressed im just worried because i do NOT want to have another miscarriage.

i surrender and have faith that this child will be healthy and have faith this pregnancy will be beautiful
my body is capable of creating a healthy baby
my body is capable
iam able
i trust in my body
i trust in the divine
this is what we all want and have been waiting for

little bean,
i have been waiting for you for 3 years and i know in the past things have been unstable but now things are stable and we are growing. we want nothing more than for you to be here with us.
please grow healthy normal and strong full term.
we love you and you are love.
i promise i will do my best.

i surrender and release my worries and fears and have faith this child is meant to be.
it is what we all want from the bottom of our hearts <3

Week 4 Pregnancy

Today is week four and considering that we just found out we are expecting our 2nd child this is incredable.

Life is so very amazing and wondering, this is a miracle.
We all began at this stage.
Im so very excited about this new life.

embryo in first month Although your belly is still the same size and shape as it was pre-pregnancy, a plethora of amazing and dynamic changes are taking place despite this fact. Right now your little zygote is already 1.5 – 2.5mm in size. This is quite a change from the microscopic pack of cells you had just two weeks ago. Your microscopic little one is already composed of three complex “germ” layers: the ectoderm, endoderm and mesoderm. Although you could hardly see them at this point, these layers are the beginnings of your baby's nervous system and brain, stomach and inner organs, and skeleton and connective tissue. Your baby is also starting to take on recognizable physical dimensions somewhat comparable to a very tiny pear. The round part of the pear will eventually become the head and the pointy part will be the spine. Perhaps the best part of this week is that somewhere around the 21st day, your miraculous little pear will have a beating heart, although the heart chambers and valves will not be completely developed for another couple weeks.Calcium is an essential vitamin during the pregnancy as your body will strip calcium from your bones to build the bones of your baby if you don’t have enough supplemental calcium in your system doctors recommend starting a prenatal vitamin early on in the pregnancy. Yep, now is the perfect time to begin! For those of you with lactose intolerance, practicing vegans and vegetarians, as well as women with a history of substance abuse, chronic disease, or the minority who are expecting twins (or more!), you are in even higher need of a prenatal vitamin to supplement and fend off the all-too-easy nutrient deficiencies you're prone to experience in your pregnancy. Calcium is an essential vitamin during the pregnancy as your body will strip calcium from your bones to build the bones of your baby if you don’t have enough supplemental calcium in your system. This is also a critical reason older women are so much more prone to osteoporosis: they simply didn't get enough calcium during their child-bearing years. Contact your primarey health care giver or local health food store nutritionist to identify the correct vitamin(s) for you and your baby. info on this blog post was found on this link

pregnancy week by week

Aspartame and Soda Dont Dirnk iT

 It seems so hard to find things that dont have added crap and poison to our foods and drinks. Epically when we are pregnant we need to watch what we ingest and it just makes me so sad that there is just so much junk out there.

 Most soda and pops have this poison inside of it. DONT drink it!
This poison is in all kinds of foods and drinks. We already know it can cause cancer and diabetes and this is a very dangerous drug our government has issued to the public im convinced for population control or some other strange reason.  Most defiantly don't take this while your pregnant.

Aspartame is a calorie-free sweetener used in a wide variety of soft drinks, candies, and food products. Long-term use of the chemical food aspartame has been linked with cancer and immunotoxicity, so the use of aspartame during pregnancy is advised against. A new sweetener called neotame is now available amidst concerns about aspartame, however, no conclusive studies have been conducted on neotame's side effects. Its a chemical and this should be avoided as well.During pregnancy, check the labels on your food products for artificial sweeteners. Try using natural sweeteners, like honey, in your foods, instead of aspartame.

Monday, July 05, 2010

Today Our Lives Forever Change

Me my husband and our 4 year old son just made it back home from the rainbow gathering of the tribes.
I camped out in the wilderness/off grid for 6 days.We have lived off grid for 6 months before in the jungle of Hawaii befeore and after having gone through that and experienced 2 miscarriages my/our hearts were shattered.
I /we obviously wannted to try and wait for more children but after having lost 2 children mt heart was broken.
I sant into a deep depression went back on anti depressants and other phyc drugs ,started drinking again and got way far away from where i ever wannted to be.
time went by and mt heart healed,prayer after prayer. I searched my soul inside out . Let go and forgave. Surrendered and had faith.
Now i realize that all will be well and just fine.
We will and are taken care of.
All our needs are met.
Our lives are FULL of positive abundance.
We have wonderful beautiful friends.
We have everything we need and much more.
Have faith and fill your heart with love and light and all will be right.

Today we had the inclination to go to CVS, i have been exhausted and extremely tired and worn down.My husband went to CVS for me while o laid down for a nap.
They came back home in about 20 min. we chatted and i decided to take the EPT pregnancy test and in less than 40 seconds the digital pregnancy tesyt flashed for the last time and the word about to be shown was what i have been waiting for for 3 years.

Im shocked, im elated,im so full of happiness and love light and wonder.
Im sacred and hope that this child is meant to be a part of our lives.
I called our spirit family to us,and prayed for the right soul to be incarnated that i may give that soul life through the divine.
The ultimate mothership.
its amazing and wonderful.
i have been waiting so long for you and now your here i want to do everything right.
TO build you a beautiful body that you will have and use for the entirety of your life.
May it be long and beautiful full of love and adventure wonder and joy all things good and positive.
Today is the most beautiful day.
Im pregnant. We are going to have another beautiful addition to our family, im so excited.

i pray for thsi child to be blessed,safe,healthy and to be born full of life,love ,light,joy,enlightenment and widsom . May this child be blessed.
I promise to do all i can,the right way to help you grow.
To be healthy and loving.
this will be wonderful.
please krsna let this be real, this is what i have wanted for so many years, i promise to do my very best.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011 is our projected due date :   )

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Maternity tickers