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Thursday, February 09, 2006

August 3rd August 2 the beginning of ripewithbaby

August 3rd, 2005

the reality
Still soaking in the concept that im pregnant and that we are going to be parents. Wow. Amazing.

Little one how you shine
nestled so deeply in my dark fertile caverns
I m all you experience my every thought
My every feeling every food I savor
Are all yours.
We are one.
Teach me your song so I shall sing to youYou were made from love. You are Love.
I haven’t really had much of a chance to sit down earlier and write until now. Today has been an especially bi polar mood day so to speak because I haven’t been able to keep myself together all day. Its really amazing that my emotions feel stronger like they have more power. Knowing that every single thing I hear, see visually process, taste and digest, feel and emotionally experience is in fact being transmitted to our growing child . this is much responsibility that is put upon me. Not only is this for our child’s growth and development but for my awareness to grow and blossom and for myself to evolve further. Its like being pregnant is forcing me to stop procrastinating and really live the true ways of my heart. The ways I always say one day I will this one day I will that. But now I have to now! There is no time to wait and waste . Because that’s the thing with life you shut your eyes for too long and the moment is gone. Disappeared. Vanished .
I don’t want to miss my own life epically as a wife and a mother.
Today I have been really trying to understand that I have much personal work that I m needing to work out and through.
Today I was having a slight image issue because I still want and need to be desirable when my belly is swollen and ripe. A issue of safety and being needed wanted 100%

Sometimes i just lay down ad i travel inside my womb. Remembering what it was for me when i was in my mothers womb. So i embrace what our child is expereincing. A Stilness. A dark stillness. I take my self further into my experience so that these traumas are realsed. For good. to hram none.
I love my husbund totally and completely and im so happy to share this expereince and life with him. This is really my greatest dream to find my soulmate and to make a family.
its really happening... and im sooo happy and so excited about our future. Im so thankfull that my husbund has came into my life and really made my life worth living for rather than just my own selfish desires and circling pointlessly around in the same cycles of lonliness hungering for my twin flame. Togeather we shine so brightly. Unlike anyother love. Divine.
The most important thing in my life is my family. My husbund his needs and wants as well as my own and loving my self and now for our unborn child growing deep in my dark caverns. i will make this my wolrd.
Making the wolrd as it should be.through our love
you are made of love . you are love.
A wolrd full of love magic devotion trust honesty a true life. Togeather.
Forever loving forever as one.

Today I ate:
A Thai Salad with cabbadge,tomatoes,onions and yummy J
Potatoes seasoned with greens and full flavors
Spiral Pasta with Alfrado Sauce with Crushed Red Peppers ( yum I LUV spicy J)
half a bag of baby carrots
1 appleTons of water

I love you forever.. I want you to know that I am here with you.. i am going through this with you.. I love you so much and need you.. you are the fulfillment of my most early and consuming fantasy.. all my life I’ve wanted your embrace and to live life with you.. thank you!

I really want to be fully aware and present in the moments that we have to share.. I want to be the best father and husband..

I want the world to take a moment and examine personally who it is.. and what is happiness to them.. I’d like each individual to realize the kind of love that we have found.. Christina and I.. because I can’t fathom anything but peace and joy.. I truelly wish the same realization for every person who exist.. I care about the future of the world that we are giving to our child.. I want it to be a wonderful journey and I need all of you to participate in your own way.. be good loving people who also care.. create a safe and secure world that all can share the in a distinct and personal way.. have fun

Currently feeling: excited
Posted by ripewithbaby at 01:19 pm care to comment

August 2nd, 2005
Ripe With Baby

This is the diary of Christina and John Davis as we are embarking on the most Magical Journey of life together. The documentation of being ripe with baby. Our first child. People think that being pregnant is such a every day thing. Pregnancy is one of the most sacred journeys in life. It is of so much importance to document our journey and my experiences. As I m now realizing more and more that life really goes by so very fast and that every experience plays such a huge role in our psyche and our spirit. So many of us sleep walk through our lives. Every thought every breath very bite of food we should be mindful of and being ripe with child I m yes indeed having a real realization of this.

Today I knew It would be such huge day. I knew I was pregnant already but we have been trying for about 4 months and have not had success so I was not expecting very much of anything. I thought I was being compulsive in my obsessive compulsive tendencies by buying another pregnancy test hoping and wanting something that has been so far out of reach. I bought a digital test they are new and supposed to be really good I got results in less than a minute. I was going to wait the full 3 minutes but I couldn’t stand it any longer. I had a peek. It said Pregnant. My eyes were wide almost so much reaching out of my shocked skull. I didn’t believe it I looked away. It still said Pregnant. I left the room this time still thinking that I m making this up it has to be a wild delusion because I want it so bad. NO! not a delusion. Really 100% pregnant. The feeling. My heart chakra flooded with so much joy and love I could barely contain it all. The only way I could humanly express such power was to cry. Im going to be a mother. My dear husband shall be a father. It will take a while to really let it soak in what is really happening. This is the beginning of a magical and beautiful journey.

Last week I fasted cut out all sugar only ate fruits and veggies. No starches no pasta no caffeine no food that has been processed of anykind and no Dairy.Drinking soy and rice milk only. Orgainc substances. So today I have kinda went off my so good diet.
Today I ate:
2 Hershey’s Chocolate Bars( omgoddess so good)
A Clover Sprout and Snow Pea Salad with poppy seed dressing and REAL CHEESE J
Pasta in Alfrado sauce
1 apple
Potatoes with onions peppers garlic
5 chocolate and vanilla cookes ( kinda like Oreos)
Welcome... to my experience of being a woman ripe with baby

hello.. i also welcome you to our experience of a couple ripe with baby.. i am a man who is very excited about the future.. it is important i feel that you know how happy i am.. and how totally devoted i am.. it is truelly amazing what is happening in our lives and i can not wait to share it with you.. the other night we were lying together and christina rolled over.. i was in a light doze.. when i felt a small tender hand reaching for mine.. in a moment it was as though a hand was reaching through my wifes belly to touch me.. but then that made no sence and i more awoke to realize christina's hands just behind the subtle embrace firmly closing in my grip and i looked into her eyes and kissed her.. "i love you christina" i said.. "i love you john" she said, it was a beautiful moment.. i spoke with my mother tina about the experience today when i told her the news.. how christina had called me at work but i could not answer because bussiness at the pizza shop was so much.. but then she called again and i thought that there could be a problem but still i couldn't get away.. then she shows up suprising me.. and she was radiating such bueaty i had to tell her she was so bueatiful.. she has gotten something for me at the mall.. that i must come out to the car and get it.. so about five minutes later i get a moment free to go to the car.. and she is sitting in drivers seat of her black eclipse.. she say's with the window rolled down boldly, "will you please sit in the car", "ok", i say and go around to the passanger seat.. then she gives me this small plastic bag and tells me to open it.. i don't know what it could be.. but the shape is seams like could be a nose hair clipper.. but then i pulled it out and all i saw was the word "pregnant"...... it changed my life.. "i love you" i said, "i love you john" she said.. i pray that everything goes well with us.. that we have support and guidance.. i strive to be the best father.. mother tina told me that i should remember these experiences.. that they are so important.. and our whole family is so happy for us.. i'm just thankful because life is really getting good.. i am feeling joy because i really have wanted to have a child.. that a spirit soul has choosen us is such a blessing.. i love my wife.. i thank her everyday for being in my life.. for giving me such life.. if i could know the divine.. i would know hirm through chirstina and our child.. the mirical of the both of them.. and if you are reading this my child.. i hope you know how even before you were concieved of.. you were loved.. you were known.. and you were expected.. i love you.. i will always love you.. and you are divine.. special no.. divine yes!
Currently feeling: thankful
Posted by ripewithbaby at 12:23 pm 1 comments