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Thursday, February 09, 2006

Febuary posts and late Januarys

Doctors are criminal
Let me tell you the Medical Establishment is one if not thee most criminal operations that is legalized. I cant believe the way they take advantage of us, people in general.
We should be able to get medical treatment for a fair price. Our government SHOULD pay for each and every one of our doctor’s bills and medication. All of us should be given the same equal treatment, not only the rich should be able to keep themselves healthy. Anyways who wants to go to the doctor in the western hemisphere any ways. They can’t even treat the cause just the symptom that is ailing us. They don’t dig deeper nor integrate spirituality within their practice. They actually reject it, by teaching us not to listen to our body and to consult them for every little thing. Read a label on just about anything,” Consult a doctor first” it’s ridiculous! We are not even encouraged to think for ourselves about our own bodies and health.
There is something horribly wrong with this establishment.
I have never been one to go to the doctor even when sick. I fight it out, your body can self heal its self. I have even not gone to the doctor for phenomena, I know which I have been told is quite dangerous but still I figured it out, my body figured it out. You stop eating and drink plenty of fluids change your thought process put yourself back in check and you will be fine.
There are some cases when going to a doctor may seem to be the best thing to do. If you need stitches or true emergency care that you know you do not have the ability to do at home due to the lack of proper resources and know how to fix the problem.

Pregnancy on the other hand is not a illness or a extreme emergency calling for stitches and bandages. It is the most beautiful thing, the woman has the ability to house another human within her body. Gives that baby nurturing and love within her womb. When the time comes, that child begins to ripen and when ripe fully that baby will emerge.
It’s not a case to freak out, get scared totally and give away your power completely by giving up and handing yourself over to doctors that will only make the stress worse!
Birth is a natural process as is digestion, sometimes digestion needs an aid so does pregnancy on an occasion. But if you are healthy and have taken care of yourself your body knows how to birth a baby!
Doctors want to sterilize the whole entire experience. Taking away from its natural grander and the power it holds. At the threshold of life there is much power to tap into.

When you go to a doctors office for a pregnancy visit, (I have only hone one time, one time!) first before you even see the doctor they make you fill out lovely paperwork, not just any paperwork, papers stating that you wave your rights and you agree to sing off your care into the doctors hands and nurses hands for the best “care for you and your unborn baby” they make it sound so important. Well I didn’t sign my rights away and made it very clear that it was going to be me calling all the shots not anyone else.
Once you are shown to your room a crazy cranky nurse will ask you a whole bunch of questions and try to make you feel guilty when you say what you really feel.
“I just came here to get blood work done and I will not be choosing to use one of your doctors for my pregnancy care, can we just do the blood work now or what?” that being my whole attitude defiantly was not appreciated by the nurse. That I m not giving “proper” care to myself or my baby because I don’t willingly give myself up to them to do a million tests on me get me in some stupid gown and put me on stirrups and rape me of my dignity.
Birth is not seen as a natural process either. They see it as an emergency and why? Well first off because they want that money. They make so much money off of you its not even fathomable. If you choose to do your own prenatal care and choose to birth your own baby then a lot of people will be out on a lot of money. There is a lot of money to be had if you did go to the hospital. Not that they really care in the first place about your well being. Choosing your own prenatal care is the best option.
Posted by ripewithbaby at 07:05 am care to comment
February 4th, 2006

Week 32
Dear little bean our spark,
We are nearing in on the 32 week of your growth and if you didn’t know the medical establishment has broken pregnancy down into 40 weeks you could be born at 36 weeks to 42 weeks really with no problem. So that means its so close until I can hold you in my arms. You have been quiet the last few days but you still manage to poke around and respond to touch.
Things will be so wonderful to have you here. As a perent its so important for me to tell you that not only am I your mother and our father your father but we will to be your best friends through it all. When friends fail and what not we will always be here for you. To listen to you, to love you and to accept you and the path you have chosen for yourself. I want you to know that you can tell me your darkest secrets and worries and they are safe with me. i don’t want you to run away form me, us. We are not here to condemn you.
It is our moral and spiritual responsibility to guide you along. Keep you safe. Love you and see that you find your way.
Because we don’t know our birth parents or family you shall not know your other biological family, so we are all you’ve got in that sense. We must stick together. Now family is whom that has been there from the beginning regardless but I wanted you to know how special it is for us to actually for once in our lives to know our own blood, something most other people take for granted.
Posted by ripewithbaby at 11:08 pm care to comment

February 1st, 2006
week 31

This week pregnancy has taken a turn from slightly uncomfortable to extremely uncomfortable! I really do enjoy being pregnant underneath it all and in the end I know its all worth every discomfort and pain but tell me that when im trying to walk up the stairs and finally make it and then I m faint and out of breath and I have to go to the bathroom because my bladder is the size of a pea and I have outrageous heartburn and acid reflux and I try and lay down and I cant get comfy because my belly is so big!
Eek! Ok so that’s one way to look at it on the other hand. I do enjoy getting plenty of rest I slept till 4:30 pm today! Yep that’s right I slept all day!
Im not one of those happy stinking morning people, that have a huge smile on their face and are so damn perky you want to knock their coffee out of their hands. Mornings actually make me feel nauseous, sick to my stomach, I have a headache in the morning and my eyes hurt I can barley open them or focus them in the early bright light. Even if I get plenty of sleep not affected by drinking or anything especially now I m pregnant. Its just mornings really are not my thing.
Little bean you seem to be active the most at night and early morning when I m still awake form 10 pm to 5 am especially around 3am you are active. Now days you don’t bounce and twirl around like you once did your space is running out! You touch and poke now and stretch it seems like. You make my belly look like a mountain when you stretch.
Im really hyper sensitive to scents and food now. Nothing seems to satisfy me, I don’t want to eat I have to force myself to eat something.
I love apple juice more than water right now. And even sprite or 7up I don’t usually drink pop but it soothes my tummy with its tiny bubbles.
I don’t really want to eat unless I eat out because then if I don’t like it I send it back and order something else that I do like and I don’t have to cook or wash dishes.
So your nursery little spark is done except for the sun to yet be painted it will probably be the last thing to do. We moved well your daddy moved your furniture and hung up groovy door beads and put the Berber carpet in. its looks so fabulous! The best room ever!
Posted by ripewithbaby at 10:31 am care to comment
January 29th, 2006
Little Spark
O yea, let me tell you what I have been doing the past few days, besides having major emotional breakdowns (the winter I think)…. Well absolutely nothing! Besides working on my ripewithbaby.com website which keeps screwing up because that server is a piece of crap I work with. Anyways… I have been sleeping, eating, resting, working online maybe even up long enough to water the plants and back to my nice comfy bed with a lot of blankies and pillows.
My lovely little bean you have been very active on the other hand. We have been communicating a lot more recently the past week. I have been dreaming of you and feeling your presence more strongly, you must really be soaking into your new body right now( so cool.)
I went though my parents attic which is where all my old stuff is stored and the whole attic is my stuff mostly, that’s a lot of stuff!!! Well I have been going through my childhood stuffed animals and stuff I had when I was a wee little one myself. Im bringing home only my favorite toys I know you will love them too.
Some names that we love are:
Azell (a name I had in a dream being whispered in my sleep)
Celestia (a name that is always beautiful
Brigit (goddess)

Boys names are much harder:

We figure that you will name yourself,really and we will catch on to what you wish your name to be.well anyways just resting. 2 months seems so close. We are excited!
We love you little spark!
Posted by ripewithbaby at 01:55 pm care to comment
January 26th, 2006
taking care of myself
Working my to 31 weeks! Wow babies are born anywhere from 38 weeks to 42 weeks. I m right in the last stretch of pregnancy.
These days the fatigue is kicking in. You are not just tired but exhausted from doing maybe one everyday thing like vacuuming. I have anemia which sucks the energy right out of me because the baby is pulling all my iron reserves that are already naturally low.
So I get a lot of rest. That’s what I have been doing, taking care of myself.
Little bean, you have been kicking me in my ribs now, it feels funny when you are right underneath my right rib cage it feels so weird yet so awesome!
So you move around a lot punching and kicking but I m sure your running out of room in there.
I take it easy, nice and slow. I cant get up as I once did in a drop of a witches hat. I have to slow down ,which is not easy to an active Aries like myself.
Little bean your room is almost done! Wow , we have came such a long way. The mural is almost complete, the shelves are up thanks to your most groovy awesome daddy.he did such a great job!

You got a car seat ,your first goddie off the baby registry. And it’s a nice cute one!I picked out the diaper bag I like,not some weird babyish one , but one that looks like a normal handbag and will grow with you and not like those really cutesy wootsie ones that are outgrown easily.
Anyways im doing great and just enjoying being pregnant and pampered.
Posted by ripewithbaby at 06:42 am care to comment
January 19th, 2006
almost 30 weeks!

Posted by ripewithbaby at 06:28 am care to comment
January 17th, 2006
I have been craving so much sweet stuff its off the charts!
I made Sweet Southern Collard Greens tonight how yummy! It really hit the spot. Little bean we are going to make a cook book for pregnant mommies inspired by you! Because all theses yummy things I crave, like collard greens and pineapple and peaches mixed. Yum.
Posted by ripewithbaby at 06:32 am 1 comments
January 15th, 2006
Week 29...getting closer!

Week 29 ,almost there! So now that we are in the 3rd tri. Things have changed as you grow ever so bigger week by week little bean. I have had no real problems with this pregnancy. But the 3rd tri changes everything! I have been having some severe back pain because you roll around on my nerve endings and cause my legs to feel funny, leg cramps from hell, heartburn even from water! My food comes up little one you push on my stomach and it causes my food to start its way back up the tube!
My food choices at this time are growing ever so more picky! Nothing seems to please me food wise. since the new year I started my new diet and i feel like I have been
de toxing from that it has been 14 days now. Since I cant fast, I Can change my diet!
I have been really good, no meat no overly nasty foods such as processed things.
I have been eating a lot of chocolate I admit. and not the raw kind either ( woops)
Anyways… other than that everything is going great.
I have not wrote in a while besides being very busy with my other web sites and normal life I have been extremely exhausted. The 3rd tri makes you so SLEEPY!
Tired I can sleep like 18 hours non stop. I m just so tired. My anemia doesn’t help this either.
Little bean we have your nursery almost completed. We have shelves to add to the closet a new ceiling fan and some other things fro you room and it will be done! I bought a whole bunch of stuff off e bay for like 50 $ I got a extra crib set ( we need extras because I get bored, no really ,because they get dirty so fast!)like 100 toy pieces, clothes and little play gym thingy.i normally wont use used things but this was an exception because there was so much stuff! You will love it. I saw this baby grand piano for little kids at toys r us I will so have to buy you one little bean when your around 2 or something. I had one around that age and i loved it!
SO … anyways…ive been sleeping,eating ( if I can make my mind up) and writing A LOT.

Your about 16 or 17 inches depending on your growth, and about 3 pounds. More body fat is beginning to deposit under your skin (whiter fat) and that’s an energy source that would explain your busyness! Now your space in there is getting smaller so now I really no feel your elbow knees and stuff. You respond to a lot of different kinds of stimulus. Such as when I m upset you get get a kicking but in a different way I feel. Some times I feel like you just want to play and I will poke you back!

Posted by ripewithbaby at 01:25 am 1 comments