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Thursday, February 09, 2006

December 25 to December 9th

December 25th, 2005
Merry Christmas little bean! Today was Christmas me and your daddy had a great day. We woke up at 5 am which is unusually early and something miraculous happened!
You daddy was listening and had his head down on my belly and you kicked really hard! Its so cool!
Anyways you could actually see your kicking on the outside of my belly!
You get so very active and you respond the most to your daddy’s touch besides you responding to me . it really fills me with joy.
You got some presents too!
Azell Asilin Davis I have decided to call you since were not sure if you are boy or a girl so I use both names.
we really had a wonderful day the best christmas i have ever had

Posted by ripewithbaby at 01:54 pm care to comment

December 23rd, 2005
thank you

Little bean I have been having the absolute most wonderful dreams about you. Last night or yesterday sometime because I tend to nap a lot. I dreamed I was in my womb with you! Right there we were communicating like I do with my spirit guides the unspoken knowledge and communication that takes place between two in this way.
my pregnant belly 6 months

Now its way due time to thank my wonderful fabulous georgious kind open loving gentle perfect husband. Your daddy little bean is the best daddy out there. The best man ever.
He does everything in is power to keep us happy and healthy he does so much for us its really amazing how much he loves us.
My lovely husband thank you so much jonny for all that you do for us. I love you more than life its self and im thankful for everything we have. My love is eternal for you an dour child. Meaning forever and that nothing can change that not even time,because our love is timeless.
Posted by ripewithbaby at 11:17 am care to comment
December 22nd, 2005

dec 21 solistice

Happy Solistice!

Hello little one.
I love to write to you although I talk to you all day someday you may like to read these things and know I have always loved and cared for you , completely.
Yesterday we had an interesting day didn’t we? Emotions being strange yet stable in the instability. We managed to make it though smiling. That’s the important part little bean. That no matter the emotions they are emotions and one can conquer emotions let them be what they are don’t fight it go with it. Allow it . allow yourself to be what ever you feel you need to be or express.
As a child for me I don’t think I was allowed this freedom with of being condemned. This my little light of love you shall not experience form us.
You are your own unique individual made by me and your daddys very dna and source of all life fusing together as one to create your body. You being the one inside your body are unique and beautiful. We are here to help you grow and evolve in positive ways.
Little bean I have thought about calling you by your name but then I will have to call you two names because we are not positive that you are a girl but most certain.
We will decide soon. I promise. We have some major ones that are our favs.

Boys names
Posted by ripewithbaby at 02:57 am care to comment
December 20th, 2005
25 weeks and counting…

Little bean, I cant believe that all this time has gone by and so quickly!
25 weeks is a milestone for sure , you are between 9 and 10 inches and growing in very surprising rates.
As I have found little bean, you have off days like the rest of us.
Some days you are really active, jumping poking and pushing around in there and moving it seems all day! And especially if I lay a certain way that you must not like because sometimes you punch and kick Really hard!
Other days you are more relaxed and you just take it easy.
Still eating tons of yogurt and pickles.
Your room is looking really awesome,moon,sun,stars,castle and such pretty things! You are going to love it!
We love you little bean, don’t ever forget!
Posted by ripewithbaby at 01:38 pm care to comment

December 16th, 2005
unleashed the wild
Wow I must say little bean you are growing quite strong these days tending to blast my in my tummy. It makes my giggle. I woke up at 6am.eek. because you deiced to play and I had the realization that wow, there is a human growing inside of my tum, that is like so weird. This baby can hear and feel everything I can wow! A little me heheheh! Look out universe we have unleashed the wild stuff!
today bean im gonna paint your room more
I cant believe im up before 2 pm that’s weird. Little one I hate mornings they make me feel sick every time I wake up in the morning I feel ill ive felt this way my whole life, destined to belong to the night.
Posted by ripewithbaby at 12:01 am 1 comments

December 15th, 2005
Comming in the 3rd trimester
The first trimester of pregnancy is well rather difficult or at least can be or tends to be. Food aversions, dizziness, morning sickness and feeling overall icky.
The second trimester you do indeed feel a pick me up in energy and feel more active than the first with energy and mood swings increasing until the last 2ond half.
Im noticing as im working my way to the last trimester here 3rd that it is similar to the first with the energy lacking, feet sweeling,back aches more like spinal pain, dizziness and really lacking the ability to do too much at one time before needing to sit or lay down. Braxton hicks contractions which start early and they are Painful!

Anyways, my new food love is yogart it seems to me that’s all I want to eat! Yogurt, apple juice and pickles are by far the winners in the food world as of now. with another craving for chicken again! The word fish makes my tummy shrivel. And the thought of bread and pasta is totally gross! Im still loving melon and pistachios J

Little bean your nursery is looking Fab! With frog princes and toadstools happy trees and cloud kingdoms its going to be the best nursery ! we are now just working on all the artsy details.hope u love it. Your daddy is painting the day time and im painting the night time, but of course it has to be day and night!
Posted by ripewithbaby at 09:32 am care to comment

December 13th, 2005
poopy people
I wanted to re cap on my day, besides doing a lot of running around and necessary things that had to be done I went out to a jazz band concert tonight and I had stopped at walgreens. Little one I have to tell you, you would not believe the strange looks and fingers pointing to my half open pants because im so pregnant with you I cant help it the rest of my pants fit my legs and butt but not my belly because little bean your sooo big now! This fat tall butchy looking older woman pointed and said you need to button your patns up you will get raped that way. I told her that she shouldn’t talk that way to strangers and that she didn’t know me as I walked away she said some snied comment and I looked back and told her that I was armed and dangerous in fount of a line of people. Obviously they didn’t know wht I meant but it shut them all up. Really im dangerous because I energy says cross my line and I will defend myself even to the death.
Grr. I had to have a little re cap on how insecure and ugly people seem to be.
I guees pregnant bellies upset fat people.
But then again fat people are always angry.
Posted by ripewithbaby at 12:21 pm care to comment
December 10th, 2005
techno lova
little one i have noted today that you LOVE techno!
yep thats right your little hands and feets just starting a moving in there like crazy! a litle rave in my womb lol.
I have felt really connected to you today i think because i was just in resting healing mode today and in that state of being that rreally connects us to one another.
we will have soooo much fun when you are born i cant wait, not only are we your parents but your best friends and best friends love to have fun togeather we will have so much fun!
dancing,sining, playing,painting walls,late nights eating organic yummies and lots of play

Posted by ripewithbaby at 07:35 am care to comment

December 9th, 2005
Dec 9

In 2 days starts the 24th week of our pregnancy.
Little bean let me tell you, we are doing so… much to prepare for you , but we know that theres not much really we can do to prepare ourselves for our arrival in a lot of ways.
I think about you all day and I wake up and touch my belly to let you know that I love you and that im thinking about you and hope that you are nice and cozy inside my womb.

The second trimester started off to a bumpy start around the 16th week is when I finally started to feel a little energy back into me but it never seemed to be a lot. I mean enough ot do dishes and laundry and then sit and relax. I have had allot of food aversions although all in different parts of our pregnancy.
When we fisrt found out we were graced enough to have you growing deep within me I was fasting!99 pounds, I was kind of scared because all I was drinking was water for about a week then juice with a week of salads in between. But I didn’t know why I was feeling so extremely hungry , it was because you needed food to grow. Although I love to fast I will not for your sake and even when your born I will continue to eat healthy so while I nurse you , you will be healthy.
At first I wanted to eat a lot of potatoes and extra sharp cheddar cheese.
I ate tons of fruit. Could NOT touch mushrooms and then I ate potatoes made in about 30 diffearnt ways. Then salmon was what I wanted and then it was totally my enemy and still is. Any fish makes me sick. Which is weird because im a sushi eater. Which I cant wait till we go to japan because we are gonna eat yummyfyied sushi which little one you wont eat directly but through my milk.
Anyways then cheese became the enemy which always is but sometimes it tastes good even though im filled with mucus. I hate milk and always have hated milk its gross.
I slept so very much little one it seemed that you took all my energy. The first trimester was a little rough because ididnt have full blown morning sickness it just lasted all day and I was throwing up stomach lining and liquid acidic stuff
Your daddy was and is so wonderful he helps so much and he made sure I had whatever food I wanted and takes so good care of us and cleaning when I don’t have the energy to do anything but eat and sleep.
The 3rd trimester starts in a coupple weeks wow! The last and final trimester of pregnancy.
We are so excited .
I have been feeling a little better than previously with my anemia but I hate heartburn and acid reflex now whee! Leg cramps and back pain headaches and nosebleeds and strange poop!
But i have been feeling you alotmore moving and kicking around in there.
I talk to you alot little bean. I love you. We love YOU!
Posted by ripewithbaby at 09:35 am care to comment


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