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Thursday, February 09, 2006

December 6th to November 7th

December 6th, 2005

So its only been a few days since ive posted and well letssee…
My tumm tumm has been upset recently and ive been pickyabout the bottled water I drink and just about anything I eat. Back to potatoesI hated them for a while. Ive been digging spicy pickles and cranberry juice.
Back pain and ligament pains the usual.
Little bean toady when we were using the heartbeat thingy tohear you we were trying to find your heart beat and you kicked or punched righton the receiver we both felt it and it was a amazing moment.
Posted by ripewithbaby at 06:35 am care to comment
December 3rd, 2005

23 week

Wow I have my self spread all over the net like crazy I haveso many blogs for different parts of my self its crazy like.
So I have to catch up a little bit I have touched base alittle bit on my other blogs how our pregnancyis going but this is its proper place so… I have much to say.
Round ligament pains have been less frequent butincreasingly more painful. Our little bean has been increasing her/hisactivity( I think her) so very much especially when I lat down after a busy dayof running around doing this and that.
Jonny can now for sure feel you little one and it makes usso happy.
Today me and my mother painted the nursery jonny helps whenhe has time but I usually do the painting at night time an don the week ends.The blue sky is painted and the rolling hills are painted now all I have to doit the details! Whoo hoo my favorite part. Flowers, clouds, trees, the sun andmoon and whatever else we think of.
Food ok ok well ive defiantly been on a better diet butthose where the days I woud skip on food for a day or 2 depending how appealingfood seemed to be. Now I have to eat everyday and its annoying I don’t reallycare too much for food it’s a necessity and that’s about it.
Ive been diggin Horseradish and pickles umm recies pieces ,ivebeen craving fruit and stuff like that.
Fish is repulsive still and so is carrot juice.
Been tired but feeling better with the wheat grass andspurlina ive been taking.
We are very excited.23 week of pregnancy. Baby is 8 inches.wow! month 6 accoring to weeks not the actual month thingy!
wow. Time is a flying nad there is still so muchto do and be done.
Posted by ripewithbaby at 12:15 pm care to comment

November 24th, 2005
back pain
ahh. yes backpain. let me tell you so it is the real symptoms ofpregnancy set in. soul shaking backpain, right through your spine. eek!wow its painful little one you sure are growing. 7 inches the size of alarge bananna. you sure are growing. i feel you alot little beanespically around 8 or 9 am you are really active. not that im up atsuch a obsence hour but you tend to wake me up i enjoy to feel yourkicks and rolls and mabye your punching me thats ok as long asits only in the womb...22 weeks on saturday. wow. about 19 or 18 weeks left of carrying you deep within my belly.
me and your father are soooo excited about your arrival . our family. nothing more important.
Posted by ripewithbaby at 08:02 am care to comment

November 22nd, 2005
been busy
You Are A Rowan Tree
You are full of charm and cheer. You light up a room. And while you crave attention, you do it without ego. You are an interesting mix of contradictions - and very unpredictable. You are both dependent and independent, calm and restless. You are passionate, emotional, gregarious, and (at times) unforgiving.
What is Your Celtic Horoscope?
been busy bloggin under my personal name have not posted here in a while. i guess theres alot more to talk about personally than preganncy everyday.
my diest is improving,almost back to my normal healthy self,well ok mabye not almost but better.our little one has been busy and active recentlymore than ever
ive noticed when i dont eat for a long while little bean bounces about in my belly seemingly to be restless with out food. and when i m upset or having a pregancy mood swing of ups and downs our little treause will bounce and kick. all morning i felt our baby awake and playing.
my belly is now bulging, you cant miss the fact im ripe with baby, unless of course your some kind of moron.my clothes well my pants wont buckle but i insist on wearing my normal jeans from time to time and my breasts are slightly larger, not that they were small to begin with. i know i have perfect sized breats for my size the kind that weak people pay to get. ahhh...
anyways.finally trying to get the dogs under control and prepared for baby. keeping them in the kitchen and frount porch most of the day and then in the cage which is in the closet their closet ant night.im afraid filthy creatures do not get teh privelage of roaming the house freely until under control. for our sake and babys.

recently it seems i need a trichologist to figure out whats up with my hair it seems to be slightly out of control.

it seems to be preganncy is like in the water or something, its amazing that all of us come up ripe at the same time. me anna and mellissa and now jennifer my siksto cusion is pregnant. i have no idea how she will handle a child i hope it works out lovely,she doesnt seem stable.anyways pregant bellies everywhere i look. im so looking forward to thanksgiving yea! pregant belies will be full plump happy bellies and happy babies with so many tastes for them to sample in the amnotic fluid. our baby will love chocolate!
anyways i contemplated going back to school well only part time of course but to do something lovely that i love and enjoy and most of all get paid im thinking i could have it taken care of by feb and enroll in hte fall or even spring depending on how i feel. i want a profession that allows travel and re location plus living in the tropics i have just the thing!

Posted by ripewithbaby at 06:03 am care to comment

November 17th, 2005
im so tired
As for me well today I have been feeling more pregnant than ever. You know sometimes you not that you forget that your pregnant but slightly. It’s a process maybe that’s another reason why pregnancy is 9 months long because it gives you time to prepare for this gigantic life altering event called parenthood.
It’s a gradual process. Im used to the idea that my genes and genetic code and jonnys genetic code have fused into one creating unique individual based on our blood. My blood flowing through the baby. Its no longer me or just the two of us. It’s the three of us. Our family. Everything is slowing changing.
So much now I m responsible for and I no longer see a lot of things with a 22 year olds eyes. Things that once worried or interested me are no longer of interest and no longer trouble me.
Im growing more tired by the day again it seems my energy is dwindling lower and lower.
So im back to my healthy diet well almost.
You know I cut out caffeine months ago even before I was pregnant as well as alcohol, dairy, sugar and bleached processed flour.
I have been eating the occasional candy bar and wheat toast which is actually funny because I usually hate bread.
My goal after im pregnant is to be 100 pounds size zero which is my normal size. Its amazing I put a pair of my normal pants on and they fit except the zipper wont close so its not like im getting fat its just my belly is expanding .i plan to be one hot ma ma by next summer in short shorts high heels and our baby wrapped up close on my Brest.
Posted by ripewithbaby at 05:40 am care to comment

November 16th, 2005
babys heartbeat
Today we went to the doctors office today to have the only pre natal exam I will have. I had to go in because I kept having dizzy fainting spells and needed some blood work done and we wanted to hear the heart beat to see if everything was normal. You wouldn’t believe the things that they want to do to you if you sign yourself over to their care.i don’t and didn’t comply the doc himself seemed understanding and agreed that the medical side of pregnancy and giving birth in a hospital sterilizes the experience making it uniform instead of natural. He also said 90% of births go fabulously and that everything should be fine. So we heard the babys heart beat for the first timeJ
We cried a little it was so amazing to hear our little babys heart beating and pumping. I think making this pregnancy more concrete for jonny after hearing the baby.
Posted by ripewithbaby at 05:32 am care to comment
November 15th, 2005
Pregnancy tires you making you extremely tired and sleepy.muscles ache and a undoubtly obsessive need for food which is new to me because I m not a big fan of food usually being just a necessity to life almost a nuisance.
Anyways. Today I have spent resting I have to go get some blood work done tomorrow yep e. hopefully it will tell much . anywas im sleepy and achy so I will write another time.
this is my artist page for the music i create and upload to the net just another one of my passions... music cant wait to add my sinign tracks

i had an account here a while ago but i just updated my life plans, i like this site it helps you figure out ans sort out whats importnat enought to do and get done. http://www.43things.com/person/scarletmoon
Posted by ripewithbaby at 06:34 am care to comment

November 13th, 2005
scummy filthy animlas
You know I have always loved animals and felt acertain responsibility to take care of their kind. But I don’t know if it iscause im pregnant or what but I really cant stand living with animals(besidesmy lovely ferrets) dogs and cats need to stay outside. Filth and annoying I justwant space and time to myself with no scummy creatures trying to beg for scrapsand poop all over my well kept home.
iknow damn well when our baby is born these dogs have rules adn rulesWILL be followed or thats it byt bye cause if tehy wake our baby 1 toomany times taht means a tired cranky baby which + a tired cranky angryupset MOTHER which = much trouble and discomfort for anuimls that thinkthey run teh show. 2 aries in the house adn a cappy adn the dogs thinkthey run the show Ha!
dont get me wrong i love animals just not living with them when they think carpet is a strange colored grass.
Posted by ripewithbaby at 02:09 pm care to comment

November 11th, 2005
sleepy day
today has been a sleepy day for me i have been very tired. slept alot today and still tired.been moody today and slightly irritated with the outside wolrd. i painted the babys room today adding depth to the hills and tree.

Posted by ripewithbaby at 12:30 pm care to comment


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